Browser-based access lets you run models from anywhere with no need for downloads or installation.
Model. Share. Archive. Explore.
The Sirepo scientific gateway offers browser-based GUIs that support and enhance legacy codes such as Radia, elegant, MAD-X, SRW, Opal, and more. Basing our platform in the cloud means that you can share your simulations with others immediately and easily.
Browser-based access lets you run models from anywhere with no need for downloads or installation.
Sirepo gives you instant visual feedback without requiring exportation to another program.
Collaborate easily, by sharing a URL or downloading files to run anywhere and anytime.
Sirepo can be installed behind your own firewall. Enjoy additional capabilities with enhanced privacy.
- Dr. Suzanne Sheehy, University of Oxford
RadiaSoft specializes in solving complex problems in science and industry. Our staff of PhD physicists are experts in parallel simulation of high-power beams, plasmas, laser pulses and associated radiation sources. Our exceptional software development team designs intuitive, browser-based GUIs for technical applications, with extensive expertise in wrapping legacy software via application containers. We offer consulting on beamline design and machine learning for a wide variety of challenges.
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